• Francesca


Valletta, Malta

About me

Focuses on the portrayal of raw emotion and candid memories, Francesca Vella is based in Malta but has done many collaborations worldwide.

Her documentary work captures the raw emotions and memories, which the viewer overlooks or don’t notice. Vella creates her own projects where she can blend her passion for vintage clothing and textiles with modern photography to create fashion statements and capture her identity through her work, which focuses on tactile components and more hands-on styling and photography.
As a free-lance photographer, Vella’s main focus is to photograph events specifically those which are related to children such as Holy Communions, and baptisms as well as parties and couple photography.

Malta has been the center of many photoshoots as of late and having photographed in almost every locality, the photoshoot itself is a way for the subjects to understand Malta’s intricate history and culture, which is evidently seen in the photographs.

